
Transmission of information and information materials

The information part is an integral element of the campaign. It consists in the preparation and dissemination of information materials separate for each sector.

The publications have been sent to the Labour Inspectors in an electronic form and can be used in the national information campaign.

Every inspector can print publications and send them to the interested subjects in the circulation envisaged in the plans of implementation of national campaigns. Apart from that, labour inspectorates with limited printing possibilities can avail themselves of printing publications from the EU funds.

Publications prepared for the needs of the campaign can also be distributed to the interested subjects in electronic form using the websites of national inspectorates’ domestic partners or their e-mail addresses.

Two brochures and two posters addressed to the trade and the construction sectors have been prepared for the implementation of the “Manual handling of loads 2008” campaign. The publications have been prepared in the vernacular languages of all EU countries, which joined this year’s campaign.

The brochures contain information about the inspection campaign, problems connected with manual handling of loads and about the possible solutions. They also indicate good practices eliminating or limiting manual transport works in each of the sectors.

The posters contain a set of good practices, which show how to cope with manual handling of loads without running a risk of any injury or affection. Experiences from the implementation of the campaign in the health protection sector indicate that this form of communication enjoys considerable interest both among the employers and the employees.

In their information and training activity, domestic inspectorates can also use two animated films showing the main problems connected with manual handling of loads in construction and trade and demonstrating examples of good practices.